San Antonio Attorney Rudy M. Vasquez

Why Choose Board Certified

Mark of Excellence

Board Certification is a mark of excellence and a distinguishing accomplishment.
Within the Texas legal community, Board Certification means an attorney has substantial, relevant experience in a select field of law as well as demonstrated, and tested, special competence in that area of law.

A Distinguished Few

There are more than 70,000 attorneys licensed to practice in Texas. Only 7,000 are Board Certified.
Board Certified lawyers earn the right to publicly represent themselves as a specialist in a select area of the law. In fact, they are the only attorneys allowed by the State Bar of Texas to do so. This designation sets them apart as being an attorney with the highest, public commitment to excellence in their area of law.
The process is voluntary and can only take place after an attorney has been in practice for five years, with a minimum of three years experience in the specialty area.
Moreover, Board Certification is not a one-time event. It requires an ongoing involvement in the specialty area which is periodically substantiated with references from peers in that field.


San Antonio Bexar County Courthouse

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Judge telephone numbers

Judge Gloria Saldana, 224th Civ Dist ct.  210 335-2132
Judge Peter Sakai, 225th Civil Dist Ct. 210 335-2233
Judge Sid L. Harle, 226th Crim. Dist Ct. 210335-2446
Judge Phillip Kazen, 227th Crim Dist Ct. 210 335-2304
Judge Sol Casseb III, 288 Civ. Dist Ct. 210 335-2663

San Antonio Judges Contact Numbers Continued

Judge Martha Tanner
San Antonio District Judges continued: 

Judge Catherine Torres-Stahl  144th Criminal Dist Ct.  210 335-2511
Judge Janet Littlejohn 150th Civil Dist Ct. 210 335-2533
Judge Martha Tanner 166 Civil Dist Ct.  210 335-2501
Judge Mary Roman, 175th Criminal Dis. Ct.  210 335-2527
Judge Maria Teresa Herr  186th Criminal Dist. Ct  210 35-2505
Judge Ramond Angelini, 187th Criminal Dist Ct.  210 335-2517

Bexar County Judges Telephone Numbers

Judge John D. Gabriel 131st

If you have a case in San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, here is a list of District Court Judges at their telephone numbers:

Judge David Peeples 4th Admin Judge-210 335-0466
Judge David Berchelmann 37th Civil Dist Ct- 210 335-2515
Judge Barbara Hanson Nellermore 45th Civil Dist Ct  210 335-2507
Judge Antonia Arteaga  57th Civil Dist. Ct. 210 335-2531
Judge Renee F. McElhaney  73rd Civil Dist. 210 335-2523
Judge John D. Gabriel 131st Civil Dist Ct.  210 335-2521

The remainder will be listed in the next post